PGEU Position Paper on the revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation
Position PapersPGEU Position Paper on the revision of the general pharmaceutical
European community pharmacists welcome a revision of the EU general pharmaceutical legislation as a tool to help ensuring Europe’s supply of safe and affordable medicines to meet patients’ needs and to support the financial sustainability and the resilience of health systems.
Both the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the unacceptable, increasingly negative impact medicine shortages have on patients access to medicines require bold, ambitious, and coordinated actions at all policy levels. The European Union has the powers within its areas of competence to play a more prominent role in creating and coordinating policies that bring meaningful solutions to patients and healthcare professionals across Europe, whilst respecting the differences in the organisation of healthcare systems across the EU.
PGEU has responded to the European Commission Public Consultation and has issued a Position Paper which elaborates upon the response.
You can read our policy recommendations in our position paper and the response to the public consultation below.
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